Sunday, April 26, 2009

They Say We Forget the Pain of Childbirth - When Do We Forget the Pain of Chidrearing?

Just before I came downstairs to do something relaxing in my craft room (which didn't include posting a blog) I did two things - first I put TheKing down for a well deserved nap (I deserved his nap, not him) and second I sat down to flip TV channels. Not sure exactly why I ever do this during the day - there is generally nothing on. Today I made one flip from 22 - 60 and stopped. There was a show on called Spouse Swap or something like that. BigGuy hates these swap shows. I am always curious about the family dynamic differences. So usually the beginning is interesting to me and then the middle and end aren't. Probably the counselor in me - where are these parents coming from in terms of child rearing? what are they going into for the week in terms of child torture? Then my interest is lost. The episode that was on was a mom who had 2 teenage kids switching places with a mom who had 3 triplet 7 year olds, 2 that were girls (sounds easy enough to me). The mom of the triplets was scared of being with teens (that isn't me - we have tons of teen nieces and nephews we get on with). However, the mom of the teens was horrified to be spending time with 7 year olds! That is like the easiest age ever in my opinion!! At 7 they can speak for themselves, they can follow directions, they can help out with the cleaning, they can express what is wrong or what they need - I love 7 (mostly). This mom did not - she described her coming week as "Brutal".

Brutal. Is it brutal? Hmmmm......

Remember how after you had your first kid (if you did the birth giving) and it hurt a great deal and you wanted to just curl up and sleep and recover? Never wanted to do it again? Or thought for certain it would not be wise to do it again? Then a few years later you decided you HAD to have another baby and WANTED to do the birth giving again? Even though the last time you did it the experience gave you months worth of story telling about the horrible adventure? Why would we want to give birth again if it hurts so much? They say it is because the joy of having a child makes us forget the pain of childbirth. If that is so then why did this mom hate 7yr olds so much? Is it possible that perhaps people can forget the Joy of Child rearing just like they forget the Pain of Childbirth? Not that there isn't Pain related to Child rearing - I think some of my previous posts can document that.

Yet I can't imagine going into another persons home and thinking any age group is Brutal - well, maybe the 3 year old age, but even that has it's upsides.

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