Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Hotel

Our walk to the hotel was easy enough. I don't think BigGuy really trusted where I was going to lead us and I didn't care to argue my point so I directed him to a telephone number on our reservation - they directed him in the same path I was planning to take. So we were definitely oriented correctly - which was a good sign.

As we left Union Station the city was kinda shiny and pretty - then as we kept going - and we seemed to be going pretty far - didn't see the hotel - saw people from the train dragging luggage - no hotel - turned the corner - no hotel - less people dragging luggage - buildings were less shiny - turned the last corner - still no hotel - less shiny - no people dragging luggage.....

Spidey started to ask "Are you sure of where you are going? have you been there before?"
The honest answer was "No, we have never been here before" because we hadn't. Honestly though - I knew we were still headed in the right direction and could not have missed it. My worry was that the buildings were less shiny. Now, in deciding where to stay and keep a budget in mind I looked at everything. Including Hostels. BigGuy vetoed hosteling because he feared we would have to share a room, bath or worse - it would be gross. I saw the Hostel Hotel - it was pretty, shiny and clean. We would have had our own room, but we would not have had cable TV (which I don't think BigGuy cared about since the plan was to see so much they feel asleep when we got there). As we KEPT walking I began to think/fear we should have stayed at the hostel. However, my attentions were taken from my head and back to Spidey when he went into panic mode that we were all LOST in Chicago. "Dude chill out.......we are all together and we aren't lost....ah....the hotel is lost. Until you lose me or Daddy you are fine." That seemed to trick him enough that he quieted down - and I am sure started thinking about losing us. Unfortunately BigGuy didn't think it was as funny as I did - he shot me a "you aren't helping" kinda glance.

Then we saw it - 12 stories - light brown brick - Blue sign white lettering that looked like a relatively Very Old sign (even though it is a well known hotel) and each window had its very own ancient window unit air conditioner. My first thought was "glad it isn't summer". My second thought was "hope it looks better on the inside". Needless to say - after going through the doors - it didn't. Was it gross? No, I have been in worse - only I didn't pay $155.00 before tax for those rooms, I paid under $70.00. So due to the price I was pretty certain it was totally disgusting.

The kids were beside themselves excited - how cool!!! they yammered. Front desk = we were too early to check in we were told - yes, we answered we knew that and it is why we requested an early check in - those aren't GUARANTEED we were told by the ever so friendly and happy front desk worker (she was a peach) - yes, we answered and if that is the case we just want to check in our bag - oh, she answered and kept not paying attention to us or giving us any eye contact.......we are now climbing things..........disappearing around corners........we have a room she says........and hands us or keys. I don't think she ever looked at us the whole time. BigGuy is way nicer then me in these cases and even he agreed she was far less then nice. Hostel is sounding good.

The elevator was so old it hardly fit the 5 of us and a stroller - not to mention trying to squeeze the hip college kids who were determined to ride with us too, but it was kinda cleanish.......down the hallway that had dark maroon new carpet, but probably hadn't been vacuumed in a few weeks. The halls were old - and I don't mean yucky, they were painted, but the ceiling had all the original pipe work running along it - not enclosed - not made attractive - just kinda there, rusting....and along the baseboard there was more pipes - for the ancient boiler type heating units that were enclosed by a falling apart decorative panel thingy. Glancing around the room even the kids said, "Mom won't like this." but added, "we think it is great."

Windows must have been original - big, giant ones like in really old brick school buildings - giant handle on each side. Only they were painted over and nailed shut so you couldn't open them. One window was raised part way to accommodate the heating unit and then there was a board that covered the remainder area of the open window - painted to match. The view - well.........I am sure a murder was committed somewhere within our view. It was really sparkling. Hostel is sounding good. The toilet was so old and small that I am sure BigGuy's butt DID NOT FIT (but he wouldn't admit it and I didn't care enough to check).

The children entertained themselves with the safe in the closet - BigGuy tried to use the TV, but we found the remote was stolen. So we waited for a new remote, but before it showed up it was decided we had to get me out of the hotel. Smart choice. As we were leaving the guy showed up with the remote - he was very nice.

Now...........we did leave..........spent the day in Chicago which will be talked about later..........and then we came back. I will give the hotel this - you could not hear a dog gone sound while in our room. Probably because they used to build walls thicker - granted the walls were crumbling onto the nice new carpet, but thick and sound proof anyway. Also - the night shift front desk person was very nice. However, the next morning the shower sealed it for me.........the water pressure was non-existent. In fact, there wasn't any, it was more like the shower head spit water on you at random. So I decided it would not be a good idea to wash my hair. But, that wasn't the yucky part - the very nice (and it was nice) shower curtain had someones boogers on the inside side of it. GROSS!!!!! BigGuy didn't believe me, but once in all he said when I asked him about it was, "Very nice." gross gross gross gross gross.........

So on our next trip - if BigGuy doesn't want to try the shiny pretty Hostel - we will be spending an extra $80 to stay at the Holiday Inn (which I hear is nice).

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