Monday, April 27, 2009

TheKing gets even billing

So the other day TheKing watched the video of his sibs playing piano. And he went NUTS!! Loved the video - screeched at them to say "Hi" to him. Wondered why, if they were looking at him he couldn't get them to answer him. Trying to explain it I showed him a video of himself and a friend swinging in the backyard. He watched and kinda got it. Then he wanted to have a new video made with a different friend (who lives too far away to make a video with). And when I explained this he lost it again. Crying and rolling around on the floor. Very very very upset. Then all of a sudden he stopped - looked at me and asked if I would put his swinging video on the blog. I agreed and voila - the crying stopped.

Three Year olds!

Enjoy the Swing -

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