Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Potty Training Round II

And so continues the saga of potty training TheKing. Just the other day - as I was walking through my beloved store - TARGET - I ran into one of the other moms from preschool. I was looking for stickers - preferably CARS stickers. TheKing loves anything and everything that is related to the movie CARS. Lightening McQueen, Mater, the Tractor Cows, Chick - all of it - he loves. As I was walking down the isles I thought stickers would be in I saw the preschool mom. Did the obligatory greeting - and explained that I was looking for stickers for potty training. She snickered. She has a girl. I don't have a strong relationship with this mom so I kinda jumped ahead and thought perhaps she was snickering because I have a boy child and she had already succeeded in the potty training of her daughter. So my next statement was something about how nice it must be to have a girl because statistics show that girls train earlier and faster then boys - and she snickered again, kind threw her arms up and said, "Yeah, if I actually tried to train her maybe it would work." What? She went on to say that she just didn't have the motivation to start the whole potty training effort - this being her third child going through it and all. What? I kinda assumed that every kid but mine (and CK's boy) were trained already. You mean that I can possibly get TheKing potty trained before someone else gets their kid done?

Huh........it was like motivation....I could potty train TheKing before a girl the same age was done.......kinda motivation. See - and this probably sounds a bit dopey, but my SIL, AuntB to the kids, once bragged about how she didn't even potty train her youngest. That one weekend the two oldest kiddo's decided they would potty train him and by the end of the weekend he was successful - never even looked back - just kept going like a champ on the potty. So.......unrealistically probably......I have been holding out for SuperStar and Spidey to step up to the potty plate and help TheKing hit a big Potty Training Home Run. (hey, I can hear you laughing - it isn't that unrealistic is it? I mean CK is going to pay her daughter $20 to potty train E this summer - wait, mentally I kinda laughed at that when she told me - okay, so SuperStar and Spidey training TheKing is kinda a joke).

With a new pep in my step I left the thought of stickers behind - went to get a big piece of Poster Board (for our Potty Chart - remember, I have a love for using Charts - each kid has had a Potty Chart - in fact, I only last month threw SuperStar & Spidey's charts away because I saw them as memory keepers - only now they seem too big to keep around) - got some Pull Ups - and a CARS Potty Seat. Now, have never used a potty seat when potty training the olders. But I thought with his extreme love for the movie CARS - well perhaps a potty seat with his Love on it would excite him to sit and try. Regardless - I am motivated......

We have the Potty Chart up -

We have the dedicated mom hoping to Successfully complete the training process before the other little girl in class (although the mom doesn't know I am using her as my motivation - and - the mom said straight out that she is not even going to start the process until later this summer - still.......I am going to kick her ass in this potty training competion that she has no idea we are doing). The only thing left is the Sitting - and Waiting - and finding way to Entertain TheKing so he doesn't get bored sitting on the potty - so far this is what we do:

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