Friday, March 13, 2009

Spidey's Music Concert

Spidey had a music concert recently - we were able to snag decent seats so that I could video tape some of it. After missing SuperStars we tried harder. Only, see, we have this little family member that CAN NOT SIT STILL during these performances. The King can make it very difficult not only to SEE the show, but also to enjoy it. You don't see the show like we do. You see either the still pictures we manage or videos like these. This time around I also did a video that vaguely shows what we see at the show.

What you see from the video we take -

What we experience while watching the show -

Regardless of what we experience - Spidey really loved entertaining. He is begging to be a Famous Actor (keep in mind he doesn't want to be an actor that Isn't Famous).

1 comment:

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