Thursday, April 9, 2009

Just Lookin' For a Reason

Now, if BigGuy reads this one - and he says he does read the blog, although sometimes I don't believe him - quiz him and he does know the answer - so maybe he does (I still think he will skip a few though) - anyway, if he reads this one he will think that I was just looking for a good reason to post this picture -

Hmmmmm.......yeah, he is kinda right - although the exchange that followed was pretty funny. See this is one of my favorite actors. If you don't know his name you should be flogged. I first saw him when on a girl date with my friends, MO and SS. We were watching the first film MOST woman noticed him in - The Notebook. Although a few movies he did prior are really great - Believer is one. Still....this was my first movie seeing hm - MO, SS and I sat and watched the movie with the Ben & Jerry's ice cream we snuck into the theatre - double treat. The movie was very good - although most of the books this author has written and the movies made from them are a bit on the schmaltzy side for me - this movie had me immediately hooked as a Ryan Gosling fan. BigGuy and I have Blockbuster Online and that weekend I went online in search of other movies with my new favorite leading man in them - tried to space them out for delivery to our house so that they would be inconspicuous to my hubby. The Believer BigGuy really liked - the next movie was one with Sandra Bullock - he liked that too, but then he got wise. He started to recognize what I was up to. So now BigGuy calls this actor "Your Guy". We rent the movies that come out with him in them because we really do BOTH enjoy his acting, but BigGuy does know that I have a crush on him. And he is okay with that - since he knows that he will always come first (and that I don't have a snowballs chance in the desert of meeting this guy anyhoo).

If you need a list of movies he has been in that you will enjoy just leave a comment (yes, this is a trick to get you to leave a comment) and I will get back to you. Otherwise just ogle the pic.

So..............this is not what the funny part is. The following is.............

I was watching the fore mentioned movie sitting on the couch in the living room. SuperStar came in and snuggled with me. We are now watching the movie together. It is to the point where the male lead character has taken the female lead on their first date - laying in the street and dancing in the street. SuperStar thought this was really funny and she was giggling. Then as they go through all the other "courtship" dances she was enthralled. She laughed outright at the funny giggly type things and took a deep breath when they were kissing - even making the noise of "ummmmmmmm" when her dad caught her "getting too familiar" with her new beau in the truck. Then came the scene that I wasn't so sure about.

Keeping in mind that SuperStar had earlier told us that she thought sex was "when a boy and girl take their clothes off, lay down in bed and then crawl all over each other" I knew she was clued in. I also knew that the two wouldn't "have sex" as they would be interrupted (there was no way she would watch the later scene). However, I also knew that SuperStar has made a big stink about not wanting to talk about sex or talk about crushes on boys with me anymore.

So before it came on and during a commercial I mentioned to her that a scene was coming where the two would almost make love for the first time. Did she feel comfortable watching it? She sighed and said, "Well, I have thought about sex since we were talking in the truck and I know that it is just something that I am probably going to have to do when I am married." long pause "I guess I am just going to have to accept I will be doing this someday and it is okay. People probably even like it."

Not sure how to respond I agreed that she was probably right. And then breathed my own sigh when BigGuy came in the door with the pizza and she darted off the couch completely forgetting about the movie in order to beat her brother to the biggest piece. Plus, note to self, encourage her to wait to marry until the age of......ummm.....28?

1 comment:

Jen said...

That is such a cute story with your daughter.

As for Ryan, welcome to the club. I like to call it Gosling Anonymous. I am not afraid to admit that I have a Gos-addiction.

In fact, I do a weekly (well, almost weekly) Gos-Watch on my blog. Come check it out: