Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This Time He was Being Really Good!!

So this morning TheKing has swim lessons at the gym we attend. The routine is we go an hour early and I exercise for a bit on the cardio machines - he plays in the kids room - then we both go to his swim class (where he swims and I watch). Monday evenings BigGuy does the same thing with the Olders. Last week he took TheKing with him as I had PTO - so he had TheKing's kids room membership pass and my membership card is attached to that. He had not returned them to me - so I had no way to easily get into the gym. I phoned BigGuy and he never answered - even did his cell phone 10 times in a row (I can be annoying when trying to get what I need). He never answered. I admit that made me a bit cranky.

Add in that TheKing then threw a fit not wanting to go. Then I turned the house upside down looking for where BigGuy might have stashed the membership cards. Nada. Then TheKing took a bunch of his cars and threw them under my van. We had to leave regardless to get to swim classes on time - and at this point I could still get in about 20 minutes on the cardio. So we went - to TheKings screams of his cars being under the van. Hmmm...........if I ran over them who would be at fault?

My frustration level is starting to fray now.

We get to the gym. They look my name up - as you know my last name is not simple and they have to look and look and look and look - finally finding it. Let us in. We skip to the children's room. They will let me leave TheKing "IF" I fill out a new form - go back to the desk and have them look my membership number up so that I can fill it out - wipe his hands - do a back flip - turn circles while touching my nose and singing the national anthem. Okay, I am exaggerating - but - if I did go back, wait for them to find it, then return, fill out the form - there would have been maybe 10 min. left and TheKing would have thrown a fit from not having enough playtime in there (he really enjoys it in there). So we skipped it. Instead choosing to go on the track and walk/run for a bit.

I have never used the track. I do NOT run. I walk, but I can do that on a treadmill. This seems to be most peoples choice as there were only 3 other people on the track.

TheKing loved it. Run - walk - run - walk - giggle. The track encloses 2 basketball courts. These courts are enclosed by nets from floor to ceiling to keep the balls from bouncing onto the track. The others on the track were greeting TheKing - he challenged a few to races that they did not accept. He was fine. He was actually being really good. Then he wanted to sit on a bench. So we did. After sitting things started to turn in TheKings attitude and the track started to be more crowded (so I figured to keep everyone happy we would leave)- but it was time for swim anyway - so we started across the basketball court to the other side where the exit door was. We were IN the court area - surrounded by nets - no way TheKing could be bothering anyone - when a new woman passed by on the track. We are opposite sides from her on our way out only TheKing decided to run around the court circle giggling. The woman waved her arm to catch my attention and told me we were not allowed on the track. I pointed out we were not on the track and gave her a "thumbs up" sign (which was supposed to mean "we get it we are leaving"). I didn't know any rule stating the kids could not be on the track. Still she kept up after my "thumbs up" telling me to leave. I nodded (but now I am irritated) and said we were not bothering anyone in the unused basketball court - and she responded by saying that we are bothering a lot of people. So I gave her another "thumbs up" (although I will honestly admit I was thinking of using another finger instead) and stuck my tongue out at her. You know - the ultimate insult - the tongue stick out. I bet I scared her. We were leaving though - swim class beckoned. Off the court we went - across the track - sitting on a bench to put our jackets on to leave - and then she lapped us. Of course - just as she passed up TheKing darted onto the track - I knew she had eyes in the back of her head and that she was about to give me the business again so I screeched, "No King, come back - stay away from the crabby woman who doesn't understand children." TheKing stopped dead in his tracks and came back. The woman glared and said she was crabby because he was there.

Now - we were never in her way. We began leaving before TheKing ever had a chance to scream, become upset or obstinate (and I know the signs so I was really watching). I admit I could have ignored her and left quietly - but my morning hadn't gone well and she baited me ( excuse on my part....I should not have given in to my own crabbiness). What was wrong with her though? When did she forget the Joy of of being alive and encountering new people with a smile?

Of course, after thinking about the exchange - and feeling I could have done a better job of it all - I went to the front desk and apologized for my behavior. My exact words were, "There might be an older woman who will come up here and complain about a woman and her small child. That would be us. We were apparently bothering her while we were on the track a bit ago." The desk attendant (a woman) said - and I kid you not - "Those older woman are always bitching about something. As long as you stay off the track until 10am you are fine. Don't let them bully you." I admitted to her that we were on the track prior to 10am (remember - I had never been on the track before this day and didn't know there was a rule - now I do). She said not to worry and just be careful in the locker room - and giggled.

We didn't go into the locker room. Now I am afraid to ever go into the locker room.


Catherine said...

No reason to give in to people just becase they are rude. You weren't lying when you said he should stay away from crabby people. That woman needs to get a job/volunteer position & a life!

HalfPint said...

no - we don't want her volunteering anywhere....