Monday, May 4, 2009

Are Traditional Marriages really threatened?

So here is another Political Topic in the news a lot lately. I read this in an article on line - I think the New York Times, but I forgot to copy the link and don't feel like searching now -

"The reigning Miss California has gone to Washington to help launch a campaign opposing same-sex marriage.

Carrie Prejean told NBC's "Today" show Thursday that she'll be working with the National Organization for Marriage to "protect traditional marriages."

So my first argument is - do we really want to hear what a woman who would subject herself to such sexist roles as a Beauty Queen thinks about what is proper and moral? I mean is is right for her to be in a role that degrades women and then later judge others? Not that I think Perez Hilton was nice about how he put her on the spot.

Then, even after that there is - Okay - and we care why? I mean the sentence - "protect traditional marriages" caught my attention. Well I am married - most likely since it is to a man it is considered "traditional" - but how does another person marrying the person they love - who is of the same gender as themselves - endanger MY "traditional" marriage?

Does it make my marriage void if Same Sex Couples can marry?
Does it cost me any money? (I mean that could be a problem)
Does it make it harder for Opposite Sex Couples (aka Traditional) to marry?

So I googled "danger same sex marriages imposes on traditional marriage". I found a lot of interesting things. The comparison of Gay Marriage to Slavery in an article I read only once because I don't think I will ever understand what that person was trying to convey - heck, I am not even sure which side they were on.

Then I also found a lot of statements about how marriage is an institution that a man and a woman come into to create the next generation of people. That a marriage between 2 men or 2 woman would not be able to create such an act - which is how God meant it to be. Hmmm.........really? I am sure a few of you can cite me some bible passages here - Leviticus.......what else you got? But then I think about ALL THE KIDS IN OUR FOSTER SYSTEM WHO NEED PARENTS - let's see - 2 women who Love Each Other Dearly and want to raise a family........2 Traditionalists who created a baby and left it behind............hmmmm................maybe God created Same Sex Marriage to give homes to the kids who need them?

Plus - honestly - lets say that Gay Marriage ISN'T legal. Will the Gay men and Lesbian woman get married "traditionally" just because that is the ONLY way they can get married - AND - they are dying to try marriage out? No. They just won't get married - but they will continue to love the person that makes them happy. So there aren't going to be a bunch of children created for the next generation by them anyway.

Then I found this:
The Missouri man and homosexual "marriage" proponents categorically reject the definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Instead, the sole criterion for marriage becomes the presence of "love" and "mutual commitment." But once marriage is no longer confined to a man and a woman, it is impossible to exclude virtually any relationship between two or more partners of either sex--even non-human "partners."

What? How do you jump from talking about people who are the same sex wanting to marry to someone wanting to marry a non-human? Who is even thinking about this? Ah...maybe a twisted person. this because of all the Vampire movies that are out? Because Bella in Twilight is in love with a vampire and then later marries him in book 4 (sorry did I spoil the surprise?) - or maybe it is because in the Sookie Stackhouse novels vampires and humans are given the right to marry in the later part of the series? Is this "non-human" silliness a prelude argument to cover future vampire basis? Wait - does that mean that these conservatives believe in vampires?

In the end I come back to - Why would God care if 2 people of the same sex married as long as they Love each other - Contribute to their community - Believe in Him - and live good and wonderful lives as he has directed us to?

In fact - wouldn't he be more angry at us for Judging others instead of letting them make their own choices? Maybe I am wrong - maybe God isn't cool with Same Sex marriages - but still isn't it HIS atonement these men and women are looking for? Not mine.

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