Monday, May 18, 2009

I am Sooooooo not Above Blackmail

Judge me if you will.......but the end of August is just NOT that far away. This boy HAS TO BE POTTY TRAINED in order to attend Pre-school (some weird rule that they have here in Central IL - in STL (yes another comparision) we were able to have kids in preschools that were not potty trained - and - gasp - the teachers even helped us when we were potty training!!! Not here though - if you are not potty trained you are not going to preschool - end of discussion) and it is my Life's Ambition at this point to make certain he is in pre-school Mon, Wed & Fri this fall!! So we as his interest in sitting on the potty wanes a bit - my interest in Blackmailing him with things he Loves Begins!

So far we have been adding in the teaching of his babies to potty. In the pic above Baby TheKing (named for himself by himself) is trying to be successful - while human TheKing stands and holds Baby Daddy (named for his dad by himself - notice how huge this baby is? Hence the comparison to his dad - I on the other hand am the small baby doll not pictured laying on the floor waiting my turn - Baby Mommy. What are Baby SuperStar and Baby Spidey like? Well.....they are stuffed Baby Shreks that he has - so basically he has likened his siblings to ogres. Fitting in a way - from a tortured 3 yr old perspective that is). Baby Daddy was not successful at his potty attempt this particular day - Baby TheKing was however and unfortunately Baby Mommy was left laying on the floor - to wet her invisible pants (but know that she was also left behind in a quiet bathroom which probably made her happy - Baby Daddy was drug by his feet and bumping his head on walls as stuff - Baby Mommy is happy to lay on the bathroom floor given the alternatives).

The other blackmail attempts I have made? Cars. TheKing LOVES cars - so I bought a few - taped them to the cabinet above his Potty Chart (love charts!) and as soon as he Poops (cars are worthy of Poop) on the potty he can grab one down. These cars have special meanings - TheKing chose them himself. The one on the left is supposed to be "Doc" and the lavender one is "Sally" from the Cars movie. We will see how many months they remain taped to the cabinet (hey, I am realistic).

and so the potty exploits continue.......

1 comment:

Jeannette E. Spaghetti said...

Just dropping by to say hello; I've been a bad blogging buddy.
Love this photo.
And I promise to not wait for months and months and months before I say hello again.

(I wish someone gave me a reward every time I pooped.)