Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Girl Scout Day at the Capitol

This was the view as we marched down Capitol Street. Actually I took quite a few pictures as we marched toward the Capitol. Thought that might bore you a bit - given that I have the myriad of photos on the slide show below I just chose the one that best depicts what we saw. Reportedly there were 2,500 Girl Scouts that attended the Capitol event with us. How cool is that? We brought just over half our girls. The day was a promise of learning about our Government - about our states History and about Ourselves.

What did we learn? Gosh - we learned some interesting facts about the Old State Capitol - we learned where Lincoln sat in the House of Representatives - we learned that we are good at crafts - we learned to read the directions for events better next time - we learned that our girls really do get along well together and are quite funny.

What did I learn? I learned that the dread I felt about the event was unwarranted - it was a lot of fun! - I learned that the early bird gets the worm - I learned that a Girl Scout event can create ungodly bathroom lines - I learned that many of my girls are freaked out about talking politics with representatives - and I learned that it was all worth the effort. The girls had a blast. One of my favorite things was that (although the guest speaker was a beauty queen) many of the speakers were Women Politicians - I thought that was cool - not a single male politician got up on the podium. Yeah, my girls were bored to tears listening to them, but the fact that all the Senators and House Reps that were boring my girls to tears that day were Women made me super proud!

On a Final Note - so you should know that sometimes your Girl Scout leaders are teaching their Scouts to take the initiative. Is EVERY woman in sight standing in a Huge Tushie line that is stretching around the main area of the Visitors Center waiting for the bathroom - while a Men's bathroom is COMPLETELY empty??? Well...........when we arrived at the visitors center that was the case - and quickly we remedied that situation - as soon as our two male scouts were in and out we Commandeered the bathroom and took over - followed by another Girl Scout troop in need of a potty break - until eventually the Huge Tushie line to the women's room had dwindled and both lines were manageable.

Now.......later in the day when we arrived back at the visitors center - we looked at the line to the women's bathroom and then glanced over to the men's (thinking of course that we would be using that one again) - NOPE - apparently they did not like what we started the last time around and hung a sign. So we caused some problems apparently -

They printed it out to look Official and EVERYTHING!! You know what though - we still snuck a few girls in there - don't tell!

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