Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Simple Reflection on an Easily Made Statement

Not a biggie type post today - just thinking about something someone said in a passing conversation that I don't think they realized -

Haven't talked to said person in years - don't even really know said person all that well - a reconnection on Facebook relationship - you know the surface type banter that is done on that venue - I posted a picture of my youngest (who is adopted) - the person made a comment about how cute he was - I thanked them and made mention of their kiddos (acquired through marriage) - they mentioned how they would like to have a child they get to raise from start in addition to the ones they have, but that their spouse is done having kids so they will be looking at other options to do so - I figured that meant adoption and I congratulated them, also giving my knowledge if they ever want it as they look into those options - then they said it would be surrogate if they do it -

and this is the statement -

because they want a child that is "their own"

Now I am sure - no certain - that they meant NO disrespect toward my own feelings of devoted love and "ownership" of our third child - who is adopted. I have heard people say before that they want the experience of a blood related child - and I have no clue what it would feel like NOT to have that experience because our first 2 kiddos are biologically related and born directly from me. Yet, in that one statement they completely alienated me from them. Because in all honesty I do see that what their clumsy, not thought out completely, statement meant is that my third child is Not One Of My Own.

And this person is Simply, Completely and Beyond A Shadow of a Doubt - Wrong.

My DNA may not be written all over all 3 of my children, but my Love, Devotion, Joy, Frustration, Patience, Family and Entire World are written all over all 3 of my children. There is no difference between my 1st child, 2nd child and 3rd child - in reference to how much "my Own" they are.

I wish this person luck - surrogate, adoption or natural - if you devote you heart to a child and raise them - They Are 100% Yours.

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