Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Little Red Hen

Last week I had the honor of directing The Little Red Hen. Some would say that I got suckered into being the director of this play - others would say that I was given an honor to participate in my son's class and that tomorrow he will be a grown adult and I will cherish every second. The reality of it is - I am pretty much the last parent standing in the "volunteer" line of Spidey's class. The rest of them are done for the year (with the exception of sending things in or sending money in - they are all done physically volunteering). So when I went in on Wed. to do my weekly "reading helper" gig (I read with the kids who need extra assistance to get their reading skills up to grade level) - the teacher kindly asked me to oversee The Little Red Hen. The class was learning about Fairy Tales - and then were divided into 4 groups and assigned parts to act in the Fairy Tales. Our teacher directed The 3 Little Pigs - our student teacher directed Goldilocks and the 3 Bears - our Specialist Teacher directed 3 Billy Goats Gruff - and I took on The Little Red Hen.

It was only 4 days of rehearsals and 1 performance for parents. No real biggie. Yet it is amazing how much time disappears. Still...........like one person would say - worth every moment of effort put in for the memory and time spent with Spidey.
Plus - I got to use words like "thespians" and "my actors" and such. Made me feel important!!

Here is his play (he is unfortunately blocked by the duck).

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