Thursday, May 7, 2009

Secret Addictions

The other day I was cleaning house - shoot, EVERYDAY I am cleaning house. Most things have a place and they go IN their respective place. A few things seem to kinda get shoved around from place to place. They don't OWN a specific spot and yet they can't be thrown away because they might be useful. Eventually this stuff begins to look like clutter.

Some people are very very good at just tossing what they don't need -

Some people read FlyLady everyday and have learned to take 15 minutes each day and pick 1 specific area in their house to do a Decluttering activity -

Some people have helpful cute bins to place the things they no longer need, but can be recycled to be used elsewhere - like schools, churches, etc. -

Some people are way more perfect then I am because I have 1 Secret Addiction that I have a hard time letting go of -

My Secret Addiction is MAGAZINES!!!

I Love Them!!

We have Parenting, Time, Teen Titans, Girl Power, Discovery, Girls Life, Handyman, PTO Today, GS Leader, Boys Life, Highlights, ZOO Magazine, Christian Marriage, PaperCrafts, Memory Makers, This Old House, People, Womens Health, Self, Boys Life, BS Leadership and Healthy Cooking - then.........because we get so many magazines delivered to our house......the mail person gets all confused and when there is a magazine that has no label on it SHE GIVES IT TO US!!! So sometimes I get Better Homes & Gardens and this really evil kinda Hobbit weapon magazine (we really wish we knew who this one belonged to so we could avoid that neighbor - it is seriously creepy).

And with the exception of the creepy hobbit weapon magazine - I read EVERYONE of them. I LOVE Magazines!!

The problem is what to do with them, because they end up here -

and even here -

which feels like clutter - so I group them up - People to Mom, ZOO is stashed for use later by the kids as reference - crafting magazines in a tub in my craft room - and the rest go to school for teachers to use if they wish. Yet - they are clutter - often tucked away where visitors won't see it - thus keeping the addiction secret.

Next time you are here look in the laundry room and see if you can catch it.

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