Thursday, May 21, 2009

SuperStar and the Talent Show

As I mentioned in the last post - SuperStar was also in the talent show. With a group this year. There was also a Theme for the Talent Show - if I remember correctly it was Back To The Beach - if I am not remembering correctly then it was some sort of Beach something or another.

At first the girls were going to a sing a group song to something by one of those witches on Disney channel. Then, after the teachers running the deal mentioned to MrsS that No One was doing anything related to the theme - and because I don't think either MrsS or I much cared for the "girl rock song" - MrsS convinced them to go with the theme and sing Surfing USA by the Beach Boys. And thus an act was born. There was a lot of negotiations this year. Although swimsuits would have been a terribly easy choice for costumes - the girls wouldn't be caught D-E-A-D in a swim suit on stage in front of ALL THOSE PEOPLE!! (gasp). And since SuperStar kept telling everyone - "my mom will sew us this" or "my mom will do that" - and - because I told MrsS that she could count on me to help out - we ended up creating an outfit for the girls. Tshirts, flower lai's and another teacher heard us talking and offered us her beautiful hawaiian skirts to put on the girls. It really did look nice. They were the most Matching in Costume of the theme.

And - somehow - MrsS (she is sneaky, but right on target) got it in her head that because I am crafty - and because we had to figure out how to create some "props" for the girls act (waves, surfboards or something beachy) - I would be the perfect victim - er, I mean Volunteer - for the job of decorating the stage. She helped of course. A kind of - I figured out what we were going to do - told her what to do and she helped me do it. It was actually a very nice team - I would work with her again. And the stage ended up being nice enough that MrPrincipal asked us not to tear it down. Nice compliment - and our stage usually is nothing special to look at. On a side note - the waves should be an interesting backdrop for the Girl Scout Ceremony I am putting on later this week in the same gym.

Anyway, back to the girls. They were ALL GUNG HO about the performance. SuperStar was the center and had parts to yell out - and encouraged the other girls to make eye contact and smile and all the other things they said at the Musical she was in last winter. And then it was time to hit the stage - and she changed - she became a giggly and "oh my gosh I have stage fright" kinda girl - I had no idea who she was (and to her dismay have no tolerance for - please, like she is going to become shy now..........hmmmmmmmmm - I guess this is when all that self-conscience stuff hits). So this performance was a bit different. Can't say it was my favorite since she acted shy - however, I do know that she had an absolute blast and totally enjoyed the "group"ness of being on stage with the other girls.

Here is their performance - oh and the musical notes were not part of the stage decorations - we couldn't take them down and weren't tall enough to cover them up.

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