Friday, May 15, 2009

Thomas and TheKing

This past week was a seriously busy one - every night we had an event - and Thursday night was no exception!! It was the biggest night of the week - for TheKing at least. It was his first "Out on the Town - Mommy, Daddy, King Date". And we spent some big bucks to take him to see Thomas the Tank on stage.

We left the house and SuperStar and Spidey behind with our wonderful neighbor and their favorite babysitter - MissK. I don't think SuperStar or Spidey even blinked at the fact that they were not getting to attend the outing - simply because MissK was coming over. However, TheKing was not so keen on the idea that he was not getting to stay at home with MissK and go with us. He squawked a bit as we were walking out the door and buckling him into his seat. Then as we started to roll he got into it. This isn't the first time he was out with just BigGuy and I - but it was the first time he had been out "for fun" with just us and it was dark outside - so that struck him. "Hey, it dark outside! It time for bed?" and he seemed a bit worried that perhaps we were taking him somewhere new to go to bed. When we answered, "Nope, it is time to see Thomas." he seemed to relax and start jabbering about things we really didn't understand.

Then we arrived. It wasn't terribly crowded, but it was a Thursday night - 7pm - and this was a kids show. Who planned that? We found our seats - on the floor, 4th row center - and surprisingly enough we also saw one of TheKing's classmates! Sitting right in front of us. The boys pretty much ignored each other. I went back to get some popcorn and a drink. Then the boys (BigGuy & TheKing) started snacking. TheKing was having a great time - seemed happy with the stage - happy with the snack - happy with the attention - and then the lights went out. Sir Topham Hat came out - a clown - a newsie - and TheKing seemed good - then..............Thomas came out (he was biggish) - and TheKing ducked. First into my arms, head kinda tucked, eyes covered, but watching - then over to BigGuy - but absolutely not thrilled by the turn of events. He watched - wary of whether the giant Thomas was going to roll off the stage and onto us. Then Percy came out, Gordon, and another one (really I am faking the names - I know they are right, but I have no clue which is which). There was also a helicopter that went over head and a circus car that didn't talk. None of them seemed to thrill TheKing. But he watched.

Intermission seemed to bring a change-a-bout for him. He ran up and down a bit. Then reluctantly sat back down for the second act - and TOTALLY got into it this time. Clapping, shouting (kinda) in the right spots, smiling, giggling, pointing. Guess the fear of wayward traveling trains was gone. He was having a great time - which is good because BigGuy informed me that I was wrong about how much he had paid for the tickets - my thought was that at the price we paid he better be smiling when we leave.

And then it was over. TheKing sat for a second waiting for us to say it was "like a commercial" and when we instead said, "Time to go home it is all over - yea Thomas!!" with our hopeful smiles - he threw a fit screaming and trying to find a spot to throw his little body on the ground. BigGuy picked him up - and then we had to be careful TheKing didn't kick an innocent bystander since he was now at head level for the shorter people in the crowd (me). But within a few minutes (well....maybe 5) he was calm and we were happily walking out the door.

It was money well spent.....but I still can't tell one engine from the next.

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